Welcome to my story! My name is Amiia, and I am the proud founder of a unique origami/paper jewellery business.

I would love to take you on a journey, from the early days of my childhood to the inception of my passion-driven venture. It's a tale of hope, escapism, and a deep love for the art of paper folding and making.

Ever since I was a child, I found solace in the beauty of paper and its transformative power. While others may have seen ordinary sheets of paper, I saw endless possibilities and a means of escape from the real world. As a young dreamer, I would spend hours folding delicate paper cranes, each one representing a wish or a sliver of hope.

As I grew older, my love for art and craft continued to blossom. I experimented with various mediums and techniques, but my heart was always drawn back to the simplicity and elegance of paper folding. I became enamoured with the intricate details and the tactile experience of shaping a flat piece of paper into something extraordinary.

One fateful day, as I held a beautifully folded origami piece in my hand, it struck me: why not combine my passion for origami with my love for jewellery? The idea seemed both audacious and exhilarating. I began exploring ways to translate the delicacy of paper folding into wearable art, and that was the beginning of my journey toward establishing my own origami/paper jewellery business.

Creating origami jewellery became my artistic outlet and a means to share my passion with the world. Every piece I design and craft is meticulously folded or made by hand, paying attention to the smallest details. Each fold holds within it a piece of my imagination, and each finished jewellery item becomes a wearable work of art.

In my designs, I strive to blend traditional origami techniques with contemporary aesthetics. I experiment with different types of paper, from vibrant patterned designs to delicate, handmade sheets. Each piece tells a unique story, fusing the heritage of origami with modern elegance.

As you browse through my collection, I hope you'll feel the same sense of wonder and joy that I experienced when creating these pieces. Whether it's a necklace, a pair of earrings, or a bracelet, my aim is to bring a touch of artistry and whimsy into your everyday life. I invite you to explore and discover the beauty that can be found in the art of paper folding and making.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my journey. I am grateful for every opportunity to share my passion and bring a little piece of art into your life through my origami/paper jewellery. Together, let's celebrate the intricate beauty that can be found in the simplicity of paper folds.